Color Channel Functions
hueExtracts the hue channel of a color object in the HSL color space.
Parameters: color
- a color object.
Returns: integer
Example: hue(hsl(90, 100%, 50%))
Output: 90
saturationExtracts the saturation channel of a color object in the HSL color space.
Parameters: color
- a color object.
Returns: percentage
Example: saturation(hsl(90, 100%, 50%))
Output: 100%
lightnessExtracts the lightness channel of a color object in the HSL color space.
Parameters: color
- a color object.
Returns: percentage
Example: lightness(hsl(90, 100%, 50%))
Output: 50%
hsvhueExtracts the hue channel of a color object in the HSV color space.
Parameters: color
- a color object.
Returns: integer
Example: hsvhue(hsv(90, 100%, 50%))
Output: 90
hsvsaturationExtracts the saturation channel of a color object in the HSV color space.
Parameters: color
- a color object.
Returns: percentage
Example: hsvsaturation(hsv(90, 100%, 50%))
Output: 100%
hsvvalueExtracts the value channel of a color object in the HSV color space.
Parameters: color
- a color object.
Returns: percentage
Example: hsvvalue(hsv(90, 100%, 50%))
Output: 50%
redExtracts the red channel of a color object.
Parameters: color
- a color object.
Returns: float
Example: red(rgb(10, 20, 30))
Output: 10
greenExtracts the green channel of a color object.
Parameters: color
- a color object.
Returns: float
Example: green(rgb(10, 20, 30))
Output: 20
blueExtracts the blue channel of a color object.
Parameters: color
- a color object.
Returns: float
Example: blue(rgb(10, 20, 30))
Output: 30
alphaExtracts the alpha channel of a color object.
Parameters: color
- a color object.
Returns: float
Example: alpha(rgba(10, 20, 30, 0.5))
Output: 0.5
lumaCalculates the luma (perceptual brightness) of a color object.
Uses SMPTE C / Rec. 709 coefficients, as recommended in WCAG 2.0. This calculation is also used in the contrast function.
Parameters: color
- a color object.
Returns: percentage
Example: luma(rgb(100, 200, 30))
Output: 44%
luminanceCalculates the value of the luma without gamma correction
Parameters: color
- a color object.
Returns: percentage
Example: luminance(rgb(100, 200, 30))
Output: 65%